Blast off for the FCC Small Wireless Facilities Order

Blast off for the FCC Small Wireless Facilities Order

And a Happy New Year…

So what now for cities? The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals refused the cities request for a stay and did not block the September FCC Small Wireless Facilities Order.
Now, there are 5 shot clocks depending on what type of application is filed. The menu consists of:
  1. SWFs to be installed on existing structures- 60 days
  2. SWFs to be placed on a new structure- 90 days
  3. Non-SWFs to be be collocated on a structure- 90 days
  4. New towers or sites- 150 days
  5. Eligible Facilities Requests- 60 days.
The time frames for dealing with an incomplete application for SWFs and re-setting once of the shot clocks are different than those for non-SWFs, new towers or sites and Eligible Facilities Requests. Don’t bother to call the FCC for help because of the government shut-down.
Want more information (Municipal Leagues and cities all over the country with whom we work seem to), then contact Bob Duchen- Vice President, River Oaks Communications Corporation at or 303-721-0653 in Denver. Our work over three (3) decades has covered more than 35 states so we are geographically mobile.
Cheers and be nice to others!
– Bob
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